Zimbra 6 Disclaimer script

With Zimbra version 6.0.2 GA just being released, I decided to setup a test installation before I upgraded our work Zimbra 5.0.18GA Server. There are a few athestic changes, but most of the alteration seems to have occured "under the hood"
One of the main features always missing from Zimbra (When I refer to Zimbra Im always talking about the Open Source Version) was amongst other things, the lack of in-built support for adding disclaimers to the bottom of emails. They would have addressed this in Zimbra 6 Right? Wrong! Whats more, the Domain Disclaimers Admin Extention written by one of the Zimbra Team as an unofficial add on, will not work with Zimbra 6 because they have ditched the ldap based configuration (or something like that).
As a result, there isnt a fancy admin extention for disclaimers (at time of writing) ergo, something a bit more primitive is needed. I wrote a disclaimer script with PHP that reads the disclaimers from an INI file. Its a bit more sophisticated that the standard SH script thats included with the unofficial addon, and supports a couple of customisations.
  1. First of all, we going to need altermime, download it from http://www.pldaniels.com/altermime/ (Version 0.3.10 at time of writing) Note there are two versions, a paid for version, and an opensource version. The opensource version is fine for our needs
  2. untar it

    tar -zxvf altermime-0.3.10.tar.gz
  3. Then compile it

    cd /altermime-0.3.10


    make install

  4. This will install altermime into /usr/bin. So lets set some permissions:

    chown root.root /usr/bin/altermime

    chmod 755 /usr/bin/altermime

  5. Now make some folders

    mkdir -p /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/disclaimers

    chown zimbra.zimbra /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/disclaimers

  6. We need the script that postfix will run when mail is sent. You can download it here. I'd reccomend wget:

    cd /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf

    wget http://www.lunarhotel.co.uk/downloads/disclaimer.zip

  7. unzip disclaimer.zip

    unzip disclaimer.zip
  8. Again, lets set some permissions:

    chown root.root ./disclaimer.php

    chmod 750 ./disclaimer.php

  9. Now, we need to create an ini file in /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/disclaimer called disclaimer.ini. It should look like this:


    text="Text version of disclaimer"

    html="HTML version of disclaimer"

    If your server is the mailserver for multiple domains, you can set per domain disclaimers by making the domain name the section name. E.g.


    text="Text version of yourdomain.com disclaimer"

    html="HTML version of yourdomain.com disclaimer"

  10. And then set permissions on that

    chown root.root /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/disclaimer/disclaimer.ini
  11. Alls thats left is to adjust the postfix configuration.

    Add the following to your master.cf.in just after top line (around line 11).

    dfilt unix - n n - - pipe

    flags=Rq user=zimbra argv=/opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/disclaimer.php -f ${sender} -- ${recipient}

    So it should look like this

    smtp inet n - n - - smtpd

    -o content_filter=dfilt:

    dfilt unix - n n - - pipe

    flags=Rq user=zimbra argv=/opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/disclaimer.php -f ${sender} -- ${recipient}

  12. Finally, restart postfix

    su zimbra

    zmmtactl stop

    zmmtactl start

By default the script is set to add a disclaimer to any email (destined for both internal and external addresses). If you want the disclaimer adding to only outbound mail, set LOCAL_DISCLAIMER to false. Logging is turned off by default. If you want to turn it on, set LOGGING to true. It will log to /var/log/messages.
If your Zimbra is not installed in /opt/zimbra/ you'll need to change the workpath to the correct location.